Personal Bio


Earlylight Gallery


Sperry Genealogy


Personal Poetry

So who am I, you ask? Well if that isn't just the question for the ages! I am a quirky, individualistic, stubborn person who wears many hats. (Ok not literally. I look awful in a hat.) I'm a mommy, a wife, a photographer, and a seeker of knowledge. 

I also am seeking anything to alleviate boredom; so keep me in mind if you have any suggestions! Some of my personally favorite ways to alleviate boredom are photography, reading, avid tv and movie watching, trivia, and of course this idiot box that I am sitting in front of as I speak -- or type as it may be.

My name is Dawn. I'm a blonde, 31-year-old, female, "pseudo"-redneck. So, (if you were keeping score) means I already have four strikes against me. I'm a swiftly aging, airhead hick chick. But in reality it makes life more interesting.

I have few "absolutes" in my life, but being in front of the television at 8 p.m. on Thursdays nights for "Friends" is definitely one of them. Sobbing like a blubbering fool over "It's a Wonderful Life" is another absolute must. I've seen it countless times, being as I have three copies of it, and I never fail to cry at the end. For that matter I cry at Kleenex and Maxwell House Coffee commercials too. I am a true sap.

My husband Dustin is a wonderful guy, at least as far as guys go! (Lol just kidding dear.) But he does tend to overcome his male handicaps (hehe!) and show me what a shining example of a human being he can be. He helps me become a better person too, and isn't that what it's all about? I won't gush so much that you get saliva all over you from reading this page, but suffice it to say, I love him dearly.

We have two children, a son named Drew who loves anything to do with karate, Pokémon or video & computer games, and thinks we should paint the house purple and a newborn son named Drake.

Oh, I better not neglect to mention our other babies. We have three kitties named Chip, BJ (short for Bailey Jr. -- get your mind out of the gutter, lol), and Pisa. Pisa was named after the Leaning Tower of Pisa. When she was born, her little neck and head were constantly cocked at an odd angle, to one side. Then when she started to walk, she'd always walk in circles from the turned head. I'm glad to say she's fine now.